Do You Hate All White People?
This video of Malcolm X has been getting a lot of traction around social media.....and a lot of comments about it as well. It is being passed around a lot by a lot of different people. It's sad that after 400 years, white people tin America are still doing the same thing. Black people in this country have been through so much and are still going through a lot. School to Prison Pipeline, Microaggressions, Systemic Racism, Housing Discrimination, The Killing of Emmet Till, Employment Discrimination, Redlining, Dred Scott Decision, and so much more.
It's also sad that everyone wants to talk about all humanity and try and make it so black people aren't allowed to feel anything about what's being done except forgiveness. "Kill them with Kindness" has been done for a long time and situations never change. When white people dragged my child down the public school hallways, made her sit in a loogie, allowed kids to beat her up, and practically destroyed her confidence, then those same people create laws where you are not allowed to record evidence, you cannot tell me that Malcolm X's words aren't true or appropriate. I am so sick of hearing about how we all need to be for Humanity, but the USA elected Donald Trump. I am so sick of hearing how I need to turn the other cheek, but we are still going through the same stuff year after year.
Lynching was just outlawed in the United States as of 2022. This is a shame that this clip isn't bigger than it is. In 2023, we as African Americans shouldn't be going through the same things. Some of you will probably say that I am being racist which just proves my point. We can't be for "All Lives Matter" when Black Lives Do NOT Matter At All! When you watch a child in 2023 being terrorized by white people in the public schools, when black people still make statistically less than their white counterparts and can barely afford to feed their families, when black people are shot down by law enforcement every day and automatically labeled criminals, when black children are committing suicide because they hate themselves, and people in America still haven't woken up and said enough is enough, then what Malcolm X just said needs to be heard and listened to by way more people than just a handful. See even Martin Luther King Jr said, "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." The problem with this is that when injustice happens to black people, we are still considered 2/3 of a person. Oh and by the way, the Dred Scott Decision NEVER got overturned by the Supreme Court.
To learn more about Microaggressions, Black History, the Microaggression Board Game, or Caged and Locked, please visit: WWW.OFFICIALUCCP.COM.